Thunder trucks over independent

 Hey everyone, I'm back. So I'm starting off with talking about Thunder trucks today. Thunder trucks is a company that makes skateboard trucks. Skateboard trucks are the metal pieces that let the wheels connect to the board. Moving forward, there are a lot of companies that sell skateboard trucks, most known are Independent, Thunder, Bullet, Gulf Wing, Paris Co, Royal trucks, and Venture. 

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The reason I'm starting on trucks today is because you know, what's the skateboard without the trucks? Let me answer, not much. The trucks help stabilize the skateboard in the sense of how tight or loose they are. Depending on the person's preference, the trucks of the skateboard could either be super tight or super loose or just slightly loose, like said it's all up to the person riding the board. The tighter they are, the harder it becomes to lean to turn. 

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There are kickturns but sometimes it's better to just have the loose trucks when finishing the trick. I mean tight trucks do look cool when landing the trick because they make the finish look a lot cleaner, but loose trucks just come in clutch. Anyhow, Thunder trucks are one of the best trucks out there and I would say the best just because of how nice they are. The bushings installed go bad within a few weeks or so, but besides that they are great trucks. They are lighter than most trucks, they feel really smooth when turning, and just overall a great buy. I would say they are better over other trucks because of solely the weight, and how they are designed. The weight is already light as is, so trying to get the board to pop down higher takes a lot less force. Not only that but because they are light, it means the metal they're made of is not as tough, so it means you can get the indent of grinding on things a little better over other brands. This little indent is good because it help you lock onto somewhere faster as to say a rail or a ledge, the trucks will just grab onto it better. Independents however are a lot thicker and heavier. They're still a good brand regardless, but I would say if you're skating you want to go for light as possible and not heavy just because things look cleaner, and if a worst case scenario happened, the damage inflicted wouldn't be too bad. 
